Make Your Baby Registry A Mom Registry, Too

Welcoming a new baby into your home means welcoming a lot of new stuff too. Traditionally baby registries are geared toward baby gear, but we don’t think new parents should miss out on some gifts too. There’s lot of practical items that will be life savers in those early weeks with your little one. We’ve picked some items you may want to add to your baby registry… just for you.

Disclosure: I sometimes share links to some of my favorite products. When I do, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you click and make a purchase. 

Bathrobe: Often with a newborn, you need to be able to get dressed and undressed pretty quickly. That’s why having a robe to throw on is a great gift for a new parent. I love the comfortable weight and silky feel of this robe from the maternity line Storq.

Nursing bras: It can be quite a surprise just how much your breasts can change in those early postpartum weeks. They likely grew a lot during pregnancy (if they didn’t that’s okay too!), and will continue to once the milk comes in. It’s great to have a couple different styles of bras to try out to see what you like the best. Here are some of our favorites:

Leggings and tank tops: There’s probably a joke out there somewhere about how new moms just wear black yoga pant leggings, and it’s for good reason… because it’s kind of true! There’s no shame in the yoga pant game. In those early postpartum weeks & months, you really can’t go wrong with comfy leggings and tank tops. There’s a lot of sweat, breast milk, and baby spit up involved, so you want something that’s comfortable and easy to throw in the wash.

Nipple cream: When it comes to nipple soreness, if it doesn’t go away, or if there’s a nipple injury it’s always a good idea to consult with a lactation consultant (IBCLC). However, to get some relief, these creams and ointments might help soothe irritated skin:

Breast pump: If you’re planning to breastfeed you’ll definitely want to get a breast pump. It’s essential to have a pump in order to create a breastmilk stash so you have some back up milk in case you need to go to an appointment without the baby, have someone give the baby a bottle so you can catch an extra hour of sleep, or to start childcare. Here are a couple of our favorites:

Sitz bath & herbs: Planning ahead to have some comfort measures on hand to help heal following a vaginal birth can make all the difference in those early days for some birthing parents. Especially if you take comfort in using herbs. Here are some products that are nice to have on hand:

Postpartum Doula: Friends and family can all chip in together to give you the gift of a postpartum doula. A postpartum doula can assist you during the day, or even overnight. They’ll guide you and your partner through all those “firsts” with your baby: bathing, soothing, swaddling, diapering, nail filing, leaving the house; you name it. They can also do meal prep for you or tidy up/organize a bit. Whatever feels top of mind for you when you bring your baby home, your postpartum doula is there to guide and soothe.


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